Influence of bulk transportation, storage and milking system on the quality of refrigerated milk




Somatic cell count (SCC), Total bacterial count (TBC), Protein, Fat, Non fat solids


CARMO, Ruthele Moraes do; SILVA, Marco Antônio Pereira da; CARVALHO, Bruno de Souza; SILVA, Felipe Rocha; NICOLAU, Edmar Soares; PAULA, Guilherme Henrique de; MORAIS, Letícia Aparecida de; NEVES, Rodrigo Balduíno Soares; SILVA, Marcos Roberto da; LAGE, Moacir Evandro; MARQUES, Thiago Vilela Abdelnoor. Influence of bulk transportation, storage and milking system on the quality of refrigerated milk. African Journal of Agricultural Research, Johannesburg, v. 10, n. 45, p. 4159-4168, Nov. 2015.