Evolução das propriedades físicas de solos submetidos ao manejo do sistema barreirão

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João Batista Duarte


The historical evolution of the physical properties of a dystrophic oxisol (Goiás, Brazil) was evaluated in a pasture area derived from an original Cerrado opening. This pasture was established by applying 1.5 t ha-1 of calcitic lime and direct sowing of Brachiaria decumbens. After ten years, this pasture was reformed by Barreirão System. In a single operation, the rice sowing was realized at 3-5 cm depth together Brachiaria brizantha mixtured in the fertilizers at 8-10 cm depth, respectively. The evolution of the physical properties was monitored in renovated 1-6 years areas where the system was implanted, using as reference an area of native forest and another 17 years old traditional pasture. According to the obtained data, it was permitted to conclude that there is an inverse relationship among the production of green matter and medium resistance to penetration of the impact penetrometer at drought period, in 8-16 cm depth layer, with a critical level of 2.22 MPa.



Pastagens tropicais, Braquiária, Compactação, Latossolos, Cerrados, Tropical pastures, Brachiaria, Soil compaction, Cerrado soils, Cerrados


MAGALHÃES, Roberto Toledo de; KLIEMANNE, Huberto José; OLIVEIRA, Itamar Pereira de. Evolução das propriedades físicas de solos submetidos ao manejo do sistema barreirão. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, Goiânia, v. 31, n. 1, p. 7-13, jan./jun. 2001. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2509>.