A questão metodológica: métodos e tipos de pesquisa na produção acadêmica sobre professores (as) na região Centro-Oeste


This work is part of the studies conducted by REDECENTRO - Network of Researchers in the Center-West Region. We analyzed the methodological question: how research and method in Academic Production of the Midwest Region. It was evidenced two types of research: the case study and ethnographic research. Regarding the type of method was the predominance of historical materialism and dialectical phenomenology, but there are still some jobs that are close to positivism. To detect serious weaknesses in the pursuit of conceptual positioning, methodical and methodological improvement of production. The historical constitution of the programs, the ambience that contextualizes the stories of its faculty and students help to understand the peculiarities of its production.



Pesquisa interinstitucional, Modalidades de pesquisa, Professor, Método, Institutional research., Methods of research, Professor, Method


SOUZA, Ruth Catarina Cerqueira R. de; MAGALHÃES, Solange Martins Oliveira ; SQUAREZI, Nilza de Oliveira. A questão metodológica: métodos e tipos de pesquisa na produção acadêmica sobre professores (as) na região Centro-Oeste. Revista de Educação Pública, Mato Grosso, v. 20, n. 43, p. 379-393, maio/ago. 2012.