Ensino de psicologia: limites do atual paradigma e a complementaridade do paradigma da complexidade

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This article, of theoretical basis, aims to bring to the academic debate the importance of articulating the paradigm of complexity to the teaching of psy- chology. I highlight this dialogue as an innovator one in the context of teacher education. I stress some limits of the current paradigm and the complexity paradigm complementarity to the Teaching of Psychology. This reflection in face of the forming practice marks the search for new epistemological foundations to encourage the (trans)formation of the subjects personally and collectively. Far from finished and ready answers, I use the condition of critical and reflective analysis approach that aims at restructuring the paths of psychology in teacher education.



Formação docente, Ensino de Psicologia, Complexidade, Teacher education, Complexity, Psychology teaching


MAGALHÃES, Solange Martins Oliveira. Ensino de psicologia: limites do atual paradigma e a complementaridade do paradigma da complexidade. Educar em Revista, Curitiba, n. 48, p. 265-287, abr./jun. 2013.