Gestão escolar e o trabalho dos educadores: da estreiteza das políticas à complexidade do trabalho humano

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This paper criticizes some ideas surrounding the no- tions of managing and working, ands pinpoints the broadness and complexity of the aspects involving human work. It is a theoreti- cal elaboration that relies on studies in the fields of education, so- ciology of work, work psychology and ergonomics. Its conclusions suggest that the reductive rationality of the complexities present in work situations is also commonly at work in the actions of man- agement, compromising the social purpose of the institutions and having an impact on its employers.



Trabalho, Ergonomia, Trabalho docente, Gestão escolar, Ergologia, Work, Teacher’s work, School management, Ergonomics, Ergology


ALVES, Wanderson Ferreira. Gestão escolar e o trabalho dos educadores: da estreiteza das políticas à complexidade do trabalho humano. Educação & Sociedade, Campinas, v. 31, n. 110, p. 17-34, jan./mar. 2010.