Propagação sexuada do pequizeiro (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) estimulada por ácido giberélico


The species Caryocar brasiliense, known as 'pequi', presents low percentage and low average time for plantule emergence. In order to solve this problem, this study aimed to evaluate the levels of gibberellic acid (GA3) on seed emergence of C. brasiliense, without endocarp. Ripe fruits were collected and stored for 27 days in plastic bags. Subsequently, their skin, mesocarp, and thorns were removed. After seven days, the almond was extracted from the endocarp. The treatments were: distilled water, and GA3 at 75 mg L-1, 150 mg L-1,300 mg L-1, and 600 mg L-1, soaked for 24 hours. Twenty-six seeds per plot were arranged in a completely randomized design, with five treatments and five replications. The percentage and average time for plantule emergence, height, diameter, and fresh and dry root and shoot mass of pequi plantules were evaluated. The data were analyzed by variance analysis and linear regression. The gibberellic acid, at the conditions and concentrations evaluated, influenced significantly the percentage and average time for the pequi plantule emergence. Forty days after sowing, the emergence average was 24%. The use of gibberellic acid (GA3) in seeds without endocarp, at the estimated concentration of 345 mg L-1, has provided the highest emergence percentage, as related to the other evaluated treatments.



Pequi, Hôrmonio vegetal, Emergência, Plant hormone, Emergence


BERNARDES, Tatiely Gomes; NAVES, Ronaldo Veloso; REZENDE, Cláudia Fabiana Alves; BORGES, Jácomo Divino; CHAVES, Lázaro José. Propagação sexuada do pequizeiro (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) estimulada por ácido giberélico. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, Goiânia, v. 38, n. 2, p. 71-77, abr./jun. 2008. Disponível em: <>.