Inserção no agronegócio pelo cooperativismo: a experiência da “cooperaçafrão” em Mara Rosa-Go

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João Batista Duarte


This research investigates the challenges, dilemmas and possibilities present in the creation experience of the Cooperativa dos Produtores de Açafrão de Mara Rosa (Cooperaçafrão). With the intention of analysing this experience, as an instrument for insertion of family farmers in the turmeric agribusiness (pigment and seasoning), the text approaches, under a historical perspective, the genesis and growth of the agribusiness for this product in the region. The approach is focused on the conflictive social relations stabilished by social agents that take part in the production chain, exposing the difficulties faced by farmers, and pointing out specially the action of intermediary agents involved in the commercialization process. The study covers the creation of Cooperaçafrão, as a "social capital" establishing experience, characterized in what has been known as "solidary cooperativism", which aims to make possible the social and economic reproduction of family farmers in this production chain.



Cooperativismo agrícola, Agricultura familiar, Capital social, Agricultural co-operativism, Family agriculture, Social capital


DOMICIANO, Carlos Shiley; CAUME, David José. Inserção no agronegócio pelo cooperativismo: a experiência da “cooperaçafrão” em Mara Rosa-Go. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, Goiânia, v. 38, n. 3, p. 179-157, jul./set. 2008. Disponível em: <>.