Da fotografia e dos corpos: a desconstrução e as relações de gênero no ato de fotografar nos manifestos políticos do jovem Jürgen Klauke

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This paper seeks a theoretical reflection on the role of photography itself in contemporary society and its interfaces with gender relations as well as the essence of the act of photographing, focusing on the possibility of rebuilding the things real – images and bodies – from staging the images. As a discussion point we used the work of Jürgen Klauke Photographer where, as an actor of the feminist movement - with features reflections of the European feminist movement of the 70s - have used these building models and scenario to build a body that no longer belongs to accepted bodies so to speak, in reality, but they make it possible idea to the extent that the possibility to open a symbolic universe. Regarding the view of himself and of his own view of the world, many authors have identified a new way of dealing with images and the world from the technical reproduction of images.



Fotografia, Auto-retrato, Simbolização, Gênero, Corpo, Photography, Gender, Body, Self-portrait, Symbolization


SOARES, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho; FIGUEIREDO, Tomaz Castrillon. Da fotografia e dos corpos: a desconstrução e as relações de gênero no ato de fotografar nos manifestos políticos do jovem Jürgen Klauke. Revista Eletrônica Trilhas da História, Três Lagoas, v. 4, n. 8, p. 20-32, jan./jun. 2015.