Pontes feitas apenas “com papéis” não transpõem abismos? As relações de gênero entre novas formas de pensar a história e o ensino de história

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The present article aims reflect on the production of workshops and classes supporting texts proposed with the aim of promoting among / the student / the new ways of thinking about history, giving visibility to women, femininity and masculinity and gender issues . In this sense, the forgotten women are replaced and recovered in history. By encouraging the PROLICEN studies, we were taken to examine how and why women are or not remembered and requested during history lessons. Thus, this study is a research that seeks to raise questions, problems and possible solutions, whose effort is to extend the debates about history teaching from gender studies and history of women through efforts such as this research invade and overflow the gap in the school environment.



Relações de Gênero, Ensino de História, Mulheres, Gender Relations, History teaching, Women


SOARES, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho; SANTOS, Daniella Silva Moreira dos. Pontes feitas apenas “com papéis” não transpõem abismos? As relações de gênero entre novas formas de pensar a história e o ensino de história. Revista Eletrônica Trilhas da História, Três Lagoas, v. 4, n. 8, p. 66-83, jan./jun.2015.