Avaliação de quatro protocolos terapêuticos para a sinusite pós-descorna plástica em bovinos


Plastic dehornig in adult cattle can result in several trans and postoperative complications. Sinusitis is an important sequela, resulting from an inflammatory process affecting the exposed frontal sinuses. In the present study, treatment protocols efficacy was evaluated in 60 bovines. Therapeutic protocols included sodium hypochlorite, policresulen, povidone-iodine and isotonic sodium chloride solution, which were divided into four experimental groups of 15 animals, GI, GII, GIII and GIV. During frontal sinus access to institute local treatment, attempts to identify foreign bodies, bone fragments, grass stems, suture material and wood splints were made. Mucous-purulent liquid drainage and excess solutions removal were facilitated by laterally rotating the animal’s head and placing the frontal sinus gap as ventral as possible. Using chi-square test, there was significant difference between treatments. Sodium hypochlorite and povidone-iodine were the most effective treatments, being recommended as part of sinusitis therapeutic protocol.



Bovino, Descorna plástica, Seios paranasais, Tratamento, Bovine, Plastic dehornig, Paranasal sinus, Treatment


SILVA, Luiz Antônio Franco da; TEIXEIRA NETO, Antônio Raphael; CAMPOS, Suyan Brethel dos Santos; BRAZIl, Denize Silva; HELOU, Jalily Bady; PUCCI, Rejane Loose; CAETANO, Leandro Batista; MARANHÃO, Renata de Pino Albuquerque; BRANDSTETTER, Luciana Ramos Gaston. Avaliação de quatro protocolos terapêuticos para a sinusite pós-descorna plástica em bovinos. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, Porto Alegre, v. 38, n. 1, p. 25-30, 2010.