Efeito do concentrado de plaquetas xenólogo na cicatrização da córnea em coelhos


Corneal injuries are common in veterinary ophthalmology and can sometimes cause loss of visual capacity. Eighteen adult rabbits were submitted to superficial keratectomy procedures and then separated into three groups for macroscopic and histological evaluation on the 7th, 15th and 30th of the postoperative period. The corneas of the left eye received topical administration to bovine concentrated plasma rich in platelets (PRP) as well as topical antibiotic tobramycin while the right eye received only topical antibiotic tobramycin. It was noted that in the eyes treated with topical application of the antibiotic, the corneal lesion was covered by a thin epithelium and there was an intense disorganization of substancia propria with areas of necrosis. In the eyes medicated with PRP reepithelialization was apparently normal, with smaller areas of acanthosis and substancia propria had thin collagen fibers. We concluded that the bovine concentrated plasma rich in platelets stimulates and organizes the process of repairing of corneas injuries in rabbits with reduction of necrosis areas and corneal opacity.



Concentrado de plasma de bovino rico em plaquetas, Córnea, Cicatrização, Coelhos, Bovine concentrated plasma riche in platelets, Cornea, Healing, Rabbits


EURIDES, Duvaldo; MANTOVANI, Matheus M.; MENEZES, Gabriel F.; SILVA, Luiz A. F. da; SOUZA, Luiz A.; OLIVEIRA, Benito J. N. A.; BAUNGARTEN, Letícia B.; DELBEN, Ana F. P. A. Efeito do concentrado de plaquetas xenólogo na cicatrização da córnea em coelhos. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências Veterinárias, Lisboa, v. 105, n. 573/576, p. 39-43, 2010.