Sea la América para la humanidad: el americanismo universalista de José Martí

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This work intends to present the foundation of the Americanism of the Cuban writer and intellectual José Martí (1853-1895), with the intention of identifying the scope and sense of his idea of America. We intend to analyze the basic steps that composed his world and human vision, as a preliminary step to the study of his vision of America and the identification of the criterion of the concept of identity created by him. It is also intended to investigate how this José Marti’s peculiar Americanism reconciled the demands of a regional identity, on the Hispanic-American field, with certain values of universal character.



José Martí, Identidad latinoamerican, Americanismo, José Martí, Americanism, Latin-american identity


CARVALHO, Eugênio Rezende de. Sea la América para la humanidad: el americanismo universalista de José Martí. Latinoamerica: revista de estudios latinoamericanos, México, n. 43, p. 133-151, 2006.