A dupla dimensão do movimento latino-americano de história das ideias

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The goal of this article is to analyze the double dimension of the intellectual movement of History of Ideas, orga- nized in Latin America in the 1940s, under the leadership of the prominent Mexican philosopher Leopoldo Zea (1912-2004). The first dimension, known as ‘disciplinary project,’ sets the grounds for a history of ideas in Latin America as a specific subject, including the philosophical, epistemological, the- oretical, and methodological assump- tions used as a foundation for his work. The second dimension, called ‘extradis- ciplinary project,’ is characterized by a pragmatic as well as an identity func- tion assigned to the Latin American his- tory of ideas by the representatives of the movement. Ultimately, the main objective of this work is to reflect upon the intimate relationship between these two dimensions or approaches, that is, between the History of Ideas discipline and its functions.



História das ideias, Movimento intelectual, Pensamento latino-americano, History of ideas, Latin American thought, Intellectual movement


CARVALHO, Eugênio Rezende de. A dupla dimensão do movimento latino-americano de História das Ideias. Revista Brasileira de História, São Paulo, v. 31, n. 61, p. 297-315, 2011.