Pertencimento e identidade, territorialidade e fronteira entre os chiquitanos no Brasil e na Bolívia

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It is intended to reflect, from the history of the people Chiquitano, originally a set of more than twenty ethnic groups that were aldeadas by Jesuits in the Chiquitos mission, elements of contemporary identity and ethnicity. The proposal presented is to understand how identities are situated today relating to the territoritalities experienced in Bolivia and Brazil, since these people are currently split because the division of national states. The fact that they live in one country or in another causes different experiences and propositions of identity. However, until the 1980s the frontier between the two countries was not yet fully institutionalized, and it was possible a transit to and fro, and this freedom allowed maintenance of social relations and kinship networks. How are the identities currently in territorial diversity and historical? How they configure their territoritalities Chiquitanos in Bolivia and Brazil if the indigenous policies are different? How the self-identifications occur if there are different concepts for "Indians" - here and Bolivia indigenous "peasant" or "pueblos originales"? How the official recognition of ethnicity in Brazil Chiquitanos brought new elements that caused conflicts? These are questions we intend to answer in this paper.



Identidade, Nacionalidade, Fronteira, Chiquitanos, Identity, Nacionality, Frontier, Chiquitanos


SILVA, Joana Aparecida Fernandes. Pertencimento e identidade, territorialidade e fronteira entre os chiquitanos no Brasil e na Bolívia. Espaço Ameríndio, Porto Alegre, v. 6, n. 1, p. 119-137, jan./jun. 2012.