Tratamento da doença renal crônica em pequenos animais: um guia para o médico veterinário

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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an important and frequently disease in small animal medicine, and It is progressive, irreversible and has no cure. In most cases, the cause of CKD isn’t present when the animal is diagnosticated, and decreased renal function causes imbalance in homeostasis. Treatment of CKD is a challenge for veterinarians, who must understand the consequences of the disease to treat them, prevent disease progression and increase survival time for patients with quality. The main treatment is the nutrition, including changing the diet and mantain a good body condition score. It’s also important to mantain hydration, correction of electrolyte and acid-base disorders, treat hypertension, proteinuria, hyperphosphatemia, anemia, vitamin D deficiency, gastrointestinal abnormalitties and concomitant infections. Other promise but yet available treatments are hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and renal transplantation. Additional treatments should also be used according to the clinical signs and the reality of each patient.



Cão, Gato, Insuficiência renal crônica, IRC, Terapia, Cat, Chronic renal failure, Dog, Therapy


QUEIROZ, Layla Lívia de; FIORAVANTI, Maria Clorinda Soares. Tratamento da doença renal crônica em pequenos animais: um guia para o médico veterinário. Enciclopédia Biosfera, Goiânia, v. 10, n. 18, p. 2844-2876, jul. 2014.