Efecto del etilenodinitrilo tetracetato de calcio y cobre y del lactobionato de cobre parenteral en el tratamiento de la papilomatosis cutánea bovina


The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of parenteral copper compounds on different clinical presentations of bovine cutaneous papillomatosis in 50 crossbred (Zebu x European) dairy type female cattle of different ages. Animals were distributed among five 10-animal groups (GI, GII, GIII, GIV, and GV). GI and GIII were affected by the pediculated clinical presentation; GII and GIV had the flat presentation; and GV included five animals with the pediculated form and five animals with flat lesions. Animals in GI and GII were treated subcutaneously with 200 mg calcium/copper ethylenedinitrile tetraacetate, and animals in GIII and GIV received 287.4 mg of an organic copper combination (mostly copper lactobionate). Control group GV was treated with 10 ml saline. Calcium/copper ethylenedinitrile tetraacetate was more efficacious (P<0.05) than copper lactobionate since 9 cows (45 %) vs only 5 % were cured respectively. Cure rate was higher (P<0.05) among animals with the pediculated form (36 %) than those with the flat form (8 %). Cattle younger than 12 mo of age showed the best (P<0.05) response to treatment with a 45 % cure rate, as compared with 6.7 % among the 13-36 mo and 6.7 % among the 37-72 mo old brackets.



Ganado vacuno, Papilomatosis, Tratamiento, Cobre, Cattle, Papillomatosis, Treatment, Copper


SILVA, Luiz Antônio Franco; SOUSA, Vinícius Rodrigues; SILVA, Marco Augusto Machado; FRANCO, Leandro Guimarães; FIORAVANTI, Maria Clorinda Soares; RABELO, Rogério Elias; MOURA, Maria Ivete de; SOARES, Lorena Karine; CUNHA, Paulo Henrique Jorge. Efecto del etilenodinitrilo tetracetato de calcio y cobre y del lactobionato de cobre parenteral en el tratamiento de la papilomatosis cutanea bovina. Técnica Pecuaria en México, Veracruz, v. 45, n. 3, p. 289-297, 2007.