Caracterização fenotípica de ovelhas dos humedales de Ite, sul do Peru: dados preliminares


Sheep farming is an important socioeconomic activity in Peru, being one of the main sources of income for many rural families. The objective of the present study was to characterize the phenotype of adult ewes, from local flocks farmed in the Ite Wetlands, southern coast of Peru. These animals were reared in a semi extensive system, on native pastures. Thirteen morphometric traits were measured and analyzed using MEANS, CORR, GLM, DISCRIM and CLUSTER procedures of the statistical program SAS. Three morphologic traits were also registered and three zoometric indices calculated. The results indicated that these ewes are smaller than specialized breeds, but had tendency for meat production and different body sizes, showing variability of biotypes between flocks, according to the management, geographical location and apparent racial miscegenation.



Conservação, Ovinocultura, Raças locais, Conservation, Local breeds, Sheep breeding


MONTESINOS, I. S.; SILVA, M. C.; LOPES, F. B.; Fioravanti, M. C. S.; MCMANUS, C. M.; SERENO, J. R. B. Caracterização fenotípica de ovelhas dos humedales de Ite, sul do Peru: dados preliminares. Archivos de Zootecnia, Córdoba, v. 61, n. 236, p. 505-515, 2012.