Efeito da época do parto, idade materna e sexo sobre o desempenho pré-desmama de bezerros Nelore (Bos taurus indicus), criados extensivamente no centro-oeste do Brasil


Birth weight (PN), weaning weight (PD) and daily weight gain (GMD) of 2.973 Nelore calves born from 1992 until 2003 in an extensive cattle production system in Southwest of Goiás – Brazil, characterized by tropical climate and rainy and dry well defined seasons, aiming to verify the influence of environment, represented by time of birth, cow age and sex on the pre weaning performance in commercial production systems without defined breeding season. Variance analysis was used, through the GLM procedure applying the Random option and using maternal effect as an aleatory parameter. The mathematical model contained birth year, calving season, calf sex, calf age nested in sex, cow age (in classes), besides the lineal and quadratic effect of calving age as co-variable. BW, WW and DWG averages were, respectively, 29, 49±3, 45; 183, 62±21, 62; and 0,568±0,088 kg. In conclusion, for the studied region environment effects, as time of parturition, maternal age and sex influence directly the pre weaning performance of Nelore calves.



Efeito ambiental, Efeito materno, Gado de corte, Ponderal, Beef cattle, Environmental effect, Maternal effects


VIU, M. A. O.; LOPES, D. T.; GAMBARINI, M. L.; OLIVEIRA FILHO, B. D.; FERRAZ, H. T.; MAGNABOSCO, C. U. Efeito da época do parto, idade materna e sexo sobre o desempenho pré-desmama de bezerros Nelore (Bos taurus indicus), criados extensivamente no centro-oeste do Brasil. Archives of Veterinary Science, Curitiba, v. 11, n. 3, p. 75-79, 2006.