Conjugalidades clericais na Diocese de Goiás, 1824-1907

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The practice of clerical concubinage was a notorious fact and reached the practicing of priesthood in several locations in the Diocese in Goiás, Brazil in the XIX century. The period to be analyzed is limited in identifying, from the ecclesiastical and civil documentation, the sense given to the word concubinage and the several modalities of families composed by priests from this diocese. The bishops who took up this prelatic episcopal seat tried to struggle and normalize the celibacy break in Goiás, however, they were not succeeded, fact that allowed the clergymen from Goiás the formation of a thoroughly heterodox family to the canons of the Council of Trent and of the first ecclesiastical legislation formulated in Brazilian soil – the First Constitutions of the Archbishopric of Bahia. The Clergy from Goiás was not immune against the modus vivendi of the local population, on the contrary, the way of life is largely similar and correlated to the laymen’s one.



Conjugalidades clericais, Documentação eclesiástica, Igreja, Celibato, Clerical conjugalities, Ecclesiastical documentation, Church, Celibacy


SILVA, Maria da Conceição; MOREIRA, Wellington Coelho. Conjugalidades clericais na Diocese de Goiás, 1824-1907. História, Franca, v. 29, n. 1, p. 170-196, 2010.