Temática ambiental e suas relações com a informática


Informatics in public schools and its use as a teaching tool require new perspectives of work for teachers. So this research has the objective to search for environment software in a public school of São Paulo state and to reflect on the teachers’challenges in using informatics in their pedagogical practices. The results indicate that the softwares analyzed are suitable for environmental issues and are compatible with the guidelines of the formal school environmental education. Concerning the incorporation of informatics in teaching practices, it is possible to notice, following conclusions of other similar works, that teachers still resist to make full use of computers in their work; government follow ups and evaluations of the use of softwares are also lacking.



Tecnologia da informação, Prática pedagógica, Softwares ambientais, Tecnologia educacional, Information technology, Pedagogical practice, Environmental softwares, Educational technology


TEIXEIRA, Denilson; CUNHA, Marcos Rogério; SILVA, Claudionor Renato da; NUNES, Lívia. Temática ambiental e suas relações com a informática. Cadernos de Educação, Pelotas, v. 44, p. 319-343, mar./abr. 2013.