Honey economic valuation in the state of Goiás: conservation and income


Goiás State is not prominent on the national scene of beekeeping, even with climate, topography and vegetation appropriate for the activity. However, in recent years honey production has been growing, emerging as an alternative for the diversification of income and even main activity in rural properties. So the aim of this work is characterized the economic environment and the dynamics of honey production in the State of Goiás. The annual productions of honey in the State of Goiás on the periods from 1998 to 2013 were obtained using data from the Institute of Statistics Mauro Borges. Honey prices (per ton) in different years were obtained from different values defined by Sectoral House of Honey and Bee products. Honey production in the Goiás generated in the last 16 years (1998-2013) about R $ 21 million. Every year honey production moves R$ 2 million reais only with the value of the product, not counting other components of the productive chain of honey. The price of a kilogram of honey has increased by over 207% in the Goiás between the years 1998 to 2013 have honey production increased about 308%. The value of honey stimulating honey production increased in the last 16 years in the Goiás. The production of honey in Goiás state should continue to grow in coming years, but the amount paid to the product should have its stabilized price.



Beekeeping, Family farms, Honey production, Orizona, Apicultura, Produção familiar, Produção de mel, Orizona


ARAÚJO, Fernanda Duarte; SILVA-NETO, Carlos de Melo e; RIBEIRO, Anna Clara Chaves ; OLIVEIRA, Guilherme Murilo; NASCIMENTO, Abadia dos Reis. Honey economic valuation in the state of Goiás: conservation and income. Agrarian Academy, Goiânia, v. 2, p. 32-40, 2015.