Análise de correlação e regressão das exportações de carne bovina e de frango brasileira


The aim of this study was to analyze the bovine production chain and the supply chain of poultry in Brazil and make a comparison between them. Data Were ere collected for composition of a temporal analysis from January 1996 to December 2013 with the Brazilian Association of Meat Export Industries - Brazilian Beef and the Brazilian Association Assoc of Animal Protein - ABPA. ABPA The correlation test was performed between the volume of export of chicken meat with beef, using the SPSS software. The results show that the correlation orrelation between them is high, high , which favors the acceptance of the mathematical model considered in this study as a tool for estimating the future behavior of exports of chicken meat.



Cadeia bovina, Cadeia avícola, Exportação, Correlação, Beef chain, Chain export, Poultry chain, Correlation


SARTIN, Karla Roberto; JOHANN, Adriane Regina Garippe; SOUZA, Cleonice Borges de; NASCIMENTO, Abadia dos Reis; SILVEIRA, Marina Aparecida. Análise de correlação e regressão das exportações de carne bovina e de frango brasileira. Conjuntura Econômica Goiana, Goiânia, n. 34, p. 43-59, set. 2015.