Controle químico da mancha bacteriana em mudas de tomate para processamento industrial


With the aim of evaluate chemical options to the control of bacterial spot in tomato seedlings, two independent experiments were carried out at a commercial tomato nursery in Rio Verde, Goiás, during the periods of November to December of 2009. The hybrid Heinz 9553 was used. The trials were in a completely randomized design with three replications. The plots were represented by a commercial plantlet trays of 450 cells. The treatments were: 1 - control; 2 - copper oxicloreto; 3 - copper hydroxide; 4 - acibenzolar-S-methyl; 5 - metiram + pyraclostrobin, 6 - famoxadone + mancozebe ; 7 – benzalkonium chloride. The experiments differed as for the paclobutrazol application, in the second experiment. The products were applied by using a CO 2 portable sprayer with constant pressure. The inoculation occurred at 29 days after sowing, with isolated EH 2008-13 of Xanthomonas perforans which was originated from Rio Verde. The aerial part of the plantlets were immersed during 1 minute in a 18 L of the bacterial suspension placed in a large plastic tray. Disease severity was evaluated on 15 leaflets per plot at 16 days after inoculation. It was expressed in terms of average percentage of foliar area with symptoms by using the computational program Quant 2002. For the experiment without use of growth regulator there were not significant differences among the treatments. Despite presenting significant differences, in the for the paclobutrazol application, except for treatment metiram + pyraclostrobin, which resulted in the higher disease value, all treatments were not significantly different from the check-control. In that trial, acibenzolar-S-methyl following by famoxadone + mancozebe, were the only ones that presented inferior values comparing with the check-control, however not being significantly different. It can be inferred that interaction between the growth regulator and some treatments should exist.



Indutor de resistência, Heinz 9553, Paclobutrazol, Xanthomonas perforans, Resistance inducer, Heinz 9553, Paclobutrazol, Xanthomonas perforans


NASCIMENTO, Abadia dos Reis; FERNANDES, Paulo Marçal; BORGES, Lucas Liberato; PONTES, Nadson Carvalho; QUEZADO-DUVAL, Alice Maria. Controle químico da mancha bacteriana em mudas de tomate para processamento industrial. Bioscience Journal, Uberlândia, v. 29, n. 6, p. 1878-1886, nov./dez. 2013.