Os conceitos fundamentais das ciências humanas e a formação do professor

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José Paulo Pietrafesa


In this article the basic concepts of human sciences and the teachers formation are discussed. The discussion is based on a research performed by Studies and Research on Education and Human Sciences Group of the Faculty of Education o the Federal University of Goiás – GEPECH/FE/UFG. Its purpose was to analyze the conceptions built by teaches about social reality, violence, freedom and discipline in what they concern to teachers formation. The data were collected from teachers writings and analized by means of the methodology of qualitative research. Among conclusions is underlined the fact that most teachers consider remote the relations between society and school violence, to which they propose solutions concerned to pedagogic work and teachers formation. Overall they consider the family os students breakdown as the main responsible or indiscipline and school violence.



Ciências humanas, Formação de professores, Humans sciences, Formation of teachers


MASCARENHAS, Ângela Cristina Belém; RIBEIRO, Míriam Bianca Amaral; SILVA, Simei Araújo. Os conceitos fundamentais das ciências humanas e a formação do professor. Intera-Ação, Goiânia, v. 32, n.1, p. 91-109, jan./jun. 2007. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/interacao/article/view/1401/2568>.