Sobre a investigação social empírica: considerações iniciais baseadas no pensamento de Adorno e Horkheimer

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José Paulo Pietrafesa


The objective of this article is to present some of the elements, which enable a reflection about the process of producing knowledge and its relation with social investigation, centralized in the adoption of empirical procedures. The main basis of reference is the Teoria Crítica da Sociedade (Critical Theory of the Society) – with a special emphasis in the ideas supported by T. Adorno and M. Horkheimer. The aim is to point out aspects, which express the development of rationalism, the interrelationship between enlightening and myth, and their consequent implications.



Conhecimento, Investigação social empírica, Teoria crítica, Knowledge, Social empirical investigation, Critical theory


SILVA, Flávia Maria Soares Pereira da. Sobre a investigação social empírica: considerações iniciais baseadas no pensamento de Adorno e Horkheimer. Intera-Ação, Goiânia, v. 29, n. 1, p. 131-143, jan./jun. 2004. Disponível em: <>.