Characterization of fruits from the savanna: Araça (Psidium guinnensis Sw.) and Marolo (Annona crassiflora Mart.)


The objective of this work was to characterize fruits from the Brazilian savanna by means of physical and chemical analyses. The results obtained for araça peel, araça pulp and marolo pulp, respectively, were: moisture (77.03, 80.41 and 70.56 g.100 g-1), ash (0.65, 0.44 and 0.54 g.100 g-1), protein (1.39, 1.87 and 1.99 g.100 g-1), lipids (0.32, 0.33 and 2.36 g.100 g-1), total carbohydrates (90.88 , 78.25 and 24.55 g.100 g-1), total soluble sugars (8.45, 9.99 and 127.4 g.100 g-1), pH (3.76, 3.99 and 4.49), soluble solids (11° Brix, 8.8 °Brix and 21.4 °Brix) and antioxidant potential (16.33, 12.75 and 34.29 discoloration DPPH/100 mL). Calcium was the predominant mineral in araça (490 peel and 485 pulp) while magnesium was in marolo (350 Citric acid was the predominant organic acid in araça (3125 μg.g-1 peel and 881.25 μg.g-1 pulp) and Malic acid was predominant in marolo (76.68 μg.g-1). Therefore, given their nutrient contents, the consumption of these fruits from the savanna should be encouraged.



Brazilian fruit, Physicochemical characterization, Nutritional characterization, Frutas brasileiras, Caracterização física e química, Caracterização nutricional


DAMIANI, Clarissa; VILAS BOAS, Eduardo Valério de Barros; RAMIREZ ASQUIERI, Eduardo; LAGE, Moacir Evandro; OLIVEIRA, Rodrigo Almeida de; SILVA, Flávio Alves da; PINTO, Daniella Moreira; RODRIGUES, Luiz José; SILVA, Edson Pablo da; PAULA, Nélio Ranieli Ferreira de. Characterization of fruits from the savanna: Araça (Psidium guinnensis Sw.) and Marolo (Annona crassiflora Mart.). Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, Campinas, v. 31, n. 3, p. 723-729, July/Sept. 2011.