Lesão renal tubular aguda em cães e gatos: fisiopatogenia e diagnóstico ultrassonográfico


Acute kidney injury resulting from toxic or ischemic insults and usually affect the tubular portion of the nephron. Early detection allows the acute kidney injury appropriate intervention may prevent or mitigate damage to the tubular cell and the development of acute renal failure. Diagnosis requires a combination of techniques, and be effective employment ultrasonography associated with laboratory tests. Ultrasound allows assessment of morphology and renal echogenicity by taking on bidimensional mode and renal hemodynamics through the assessment with pulsed Doppler with the calculation of resistivity and pulsatility indices. The main ultrasound changes of acute tubular injury are nefromegalia, cortical echogenicity increase or reduction, renal pelvis expansion, perirenal effusion, medular signal margin and resistivity and pulsatility indices increase.



Ecografia, Índice de pulsabilidade, Índice de resistividade, Lesão renal aguda, Acute kidney injury, Echography, Pulsatility index, Resistivity index


BRAGATO, Nathália; FIORAVANTI, Maria Clorinda Soares; BRAGA, Larissa Graciano; REIS, Danielly Cunha dos; BORGES, Naida Cristina. Lesão renal tubular aguda em cães e gatos: fisiopatogenia e diagnóstico ultrassonográfico. Enciclopédia Biosfera, Goiânia, v. 11, n. 22, p. 2092-2110, dez. 2015.