Avaliação de métodos para superação de dormência na germinação de Ormosia arborea (Vell.) Harms


The work aimed to evaluate the effect of different methods to overcome dormancy in the germination of Ormosia arborea. The following treatments were used: 72h of water immersion; chemical scarifi cation with 100% sulfuric acid; mechanical scarifi cation + 24h of imbibing and group control, each treatment being carried out with 12h and 0h photoperiods. The seeds undertook luminosity treatments within the period of germination testing in two germination chambers, BOD model. A completely randomized design was used, with four replications. Greater germination percentages were observed in treatments with chemical scarifi cation. There were no germination percentage differences between the 0h and 12h photoperiods in the species under study. One concludes Ormosia arborea seeds present greater germination percentages when undertaking chemical scarifi cation, and luminosity has no infl uence over the germination of this species.



Dormência de sementes, Luz, Ormosia arborea, Light, Ormosia arborea, Seeds dormancy


TEIXEIRA, Walquíria Fernanda; FAGAN, Evandro Binotto; CASAROLI, Derblai; CANEDO, Sabrina de Carvalho; BARBOSA, Kamilla Alves. Avaliação de métodos de superação de dormência na germinação de Ormosia arborea (Vell.) Harms. Biotemas, Florianópolis, v. 24, n. 4, p. 25-29, dez. 2011.