Aplicação de diferentes estrobilurinas na cultura da soja


Soybean is a very important crop to the Brazilian economy, however has showed some problem, mainly diseases. Fungicides, with physiological effect, have been used with two finalities: control of diseases and improve the crop production. The aim of this study was to evaluate the activity of nitrate reductase, dry matter accumulation and yield of soybean according to application of different strobilurin fungicides. Experimental design used was a randomized block, with three treatments (T 1 : control; T 2 : Pyraclostrobin; T 3 : Azoxystrobin) and seven replications. Pyraclostrobin application showed greatest increase of nitrate reductase activity, dry matter accumulation and productivity, when compared with the control and Azoxystrobin.



Glycine max L. Merrill, Fitomassa seca, Produtividade, Efeito fisiológico, Glycine max L. Merrill, Dry matter, Physiological effect, Productivity


SOARES, Luís Henrique; FAGAN, Evandro Binotto; CASAROLI, Derblai; ANDRADE, Daniel Moreira; SOARES, André Luís; MARTINS, Karla Vilaça; ROCHA, Fábio Júnior da. Aplicação de diferentes estrobilurinas na cultura da soja. Revista da FZVA, Uruguaiana, v. 18, n. 1, p. 78-97, 2011.