Fragmentação da cobertura vegetal e estado das áreas de preservação permanente de canais de drenagem no município de Mineiros, estado de Goiás


The significant occupation of the Cerrado in the last four decades has brought many impacts to the biome, and the landscape fragmentation is seen as one of the main contributors to the loss of biodiversity. Several studies in the Upper River Araguaia Basin, adopting medium resolution satellite images have been performed and found different impacts such as erosion, siltation and fragmentation, including the areas of permanent preservation. Such impacts were associated with the implementation of developmental public policies, especially Polocentro, which, among other actions, incorporated the Cerrado to the national productive system from the decade of 1970 onwards. In this context, the aim of this study was to identify and characterize the typology of remnant Cerrado vegetation in the southern portion of the Upper Araguaia River Basin in the municipal Mineiros area (GO), emphasizing the state of fragmentation and conservation of Permanent Preserved Areas (PPAs), associated with drainage channels, with high resolution images. The results showed that the area already holds the sugarcane monoculture as its main activity. However, regarding the remnant that was at odds with the old Forest Code, it is currently in accordance with current legislation (Law 12.651/12). The mapping and analysis at detail did not corroborate the pattern of high fragmentation diagnosed previously in medium resolution. Nevertheless, the PPAs are threatened by intensive use of their surroundings, thus requiring conservation mechanisms.



Áreas de preservação permanente, Alta bacia do rio Araguaia, Fragmentação da paisagem, RapidEye, Permanent preserved areas, Upper Araguaia River basin, Landscape fragmentation


PONCIANO, Tássia Andrielle; FARIA, Karla Maria; SIQUEIRA, Mariana Nascimento; CASTRO, Selma Simões de. Fragmentação da cobertura vegetal e estado das áreas de preservação permanente de canais de drenagem no município de Mineiros, estado de Goiás. Ambiência, Guarapuava , v. 11, n. 3, p. 545-561, set./dez. 2015.