Produção de mudas, coleções e estabelecimento de caju arbóreo do cerrado (Anacardium othonianum) no estado de Goiás


The aim of this work was the production of seedlings and installation of collection of cashew arboreal cerrado, to evaluate the rate of seed germination and plant development in the field. Were selected and identified in the Cerrado, 25 areas with naturally occurring cashew tree crown. In each area were selected 1-12 plants in a total of 190 plants for seed collection. The seedlings in plastic bags were produced in a randomized block design, with three blocks, each containing five seedlings mother plant. Were determined in all seedling germination rate. 65 days after sowing was done transplanting to the field. The experimental design was completely randomized, with spacing of 4.5 mx 3.5 m. The seedlings in the field was evaluated monthly by determining the height, number of leaf pair and the diameter of the plant. For height and diameter applied the F-test and the mean difference by Scott-Knott 5%. We also conducted a correlation between the factors sampled by Pearson correlation and regression of height and diameter of plants that stood out in the statistical analysis. The average germination of seeds cashew arboreal cerrado is 78%. There was a variation in height and diameter of seedlings of A. othonianum within and between the collection areas. There was a positive correlation between height, diameter and number of leaf pair.



Banco de germoplasma, Germinação, Frutífera do cerrado, Desenvolvimento inicial, Genebank, Early development, Fruitful cerrado, Germination


BORGES, Rodrigo Tavares; SOUZA, Eli Regina Barboza de; NAVES, Ronaldo Veloso; BELO, Ana Paula Marquez; CAMILO, Yanuzi Mara Vargas. Produção de mudas, coleções e estabelecimento de caju arbóreo do cerrado (Anacardium othonianum) no estado de Goiás. Enciclopédia Biosfera, Goiânia, v. 9, n. 17, p. 2107-2120, 2013