O tratamento constitucional da tortura e a violação da dignidade da pessoa humana

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Maria Cristina Vidotte Blanco Tárrega


The Principle of Human Being Dignity was established by the Constitution of Brazilian Fed-eral Republic( Article 1, III paragraph), having as one of its goals, besides to direct all of the jurical order, to repeal the practic of torture, so common during mili-tary dictatorship as well as during human history.As long as man is the main purpose and not an instru-ment of state owned activity, nobody will be tortured or will receive a degrading handling (article 5, III, Fed-eral Constitution).It is possible to conclude that the State must garantee the pshysical and psycho integrity as well as the respect to the willing of every person owner of unavaiable and inalienable dignity.Although , there is a connivance for the practic of the torment of torture that grows in the clandestinity, corroding and transforming the human person into only an object, besides making weaker the democracy. Therefore, only through the constituctional analyzes of the crime of torture, tipified by the Law nº 9455/97, that it is go-ing to be possible to give an effective protection to the mentioned fundamental rigth intermediated by the Principle of Human Dignity, owner of imediate appli-cation and that searchs for the limitation of the opres-sives potentitals of political power.



Democracia, Constituição, Dignidade da pessoa humana, Tortura, Democracy, Constitution, Dignity of human being, Torture


SANTOS, Nivaldo dos; GARCIA, Thaís Aurélia. O tratamento constitucional da tortura e a violação da dignidade da pessoa humana. Revista da Faculdade de Direito da UFG, Goiânia, v. 32, n. 2, p. 75-83, jul./dez. 2008. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/revfd/article/view/12140/8052>.