Necrose da extremidade livre do pênis como complicação de acropostite-fimose em touro


Among the diseases that affect the external genitalia of bulls the acropostitephimosis deserves emphasi. In some cases can be diagnosed severe mucosal involvement of the internal leaflet preputial which can cripple surgery. Among the complications, when opting for surgery, is the compromising the free end of the penis that has not been appointed as common sequela. This paper aims to describe the clinical and histopathological findings of an unusual case of stenosis and fibrosis of the inner preputial leaflet with resultant necrosis of the free end of the penis, as complications after surgery acropostite - phimosis. During the procedure, fragments of damaged areas for histopathology analysis were collected. Unable to surgical correction of the prepuce phimosis, amputation of penile segment was required. The procedure was backed by histopathologic findings that confirmed the gravity of the case. The histopathological report revealed glans with extensive surface and focally necrotic areas among other findings.



Bovinos, Genitália externa, Impotência coeundi, Reprodutores, Breeder, Cattle, Coeundi impotence, External genitalia


RABELO, Rogério Elias; VULCANI, Valcinir Aloísio Scalla; ASSIS, Bruno Moraes; ANDRADE, Larissa Caroline Cordeiro de; OLIVEIRA, Rhavilla Santos de. Necrose da extremidade livre do pênis como complicação de acropostite-fimose em touro. Enciclopédia Biosfera, Goiânia, v. 11, n. 22, p. 2296-2303, dez. 2015.