Neosporose bovina - revisão de literatura


Bovine neosporosis is an important disease of the reproductive sphere that leads to impact of herd health and serious financial losses to the production system. Dogs are the intermediate hosts and the main risk factors that contribute to the transmission and spread of disease. Allied to this, other risk factors and those involved with the pathogenesis further the maintenance of the disease. The association of clinical signs and history of the herd with complementary examinations are essential for diagnosis and implementation of control measures and effective prophylaxis confirmation. Due the importance and topicality, aimed to promote a comprehensive and detailed review of the literature emphasizing the etiologic factors, epidemiologic data, risk factors, life cycle and pathogenesis, as well as highlighting the clinical signs and diagnostic tools involved in neosporosis. Meanwhile, this paper presents an approach on the prevention and control procedures, with emphasis on the adoption of biosecurity measures aimed at the elimination of illness squad.



Bovino, Enfermidade, Reprodução, Neospora caninum, Cattle, Disease, Reproduction, Neospora caninum


CARVALHO, R. P.; RABBERS, A. S.; DUTRA, H. T. SILVA, K. S.; BATISTA, J. F.; LIMA, C. R. O.; RABELO, R. E. Neosporose bovina - revisão de literatura. Revista Científica Eletrônica de Medicina Veterinária, Garça, v. 12, n. 23, p. 1-23, jul. 2014