Refletindo a prática da Educação Ambiental no PIBID-Biologia da UEG, Iporá, Goiás


The objective of this study is to analyze whether activities in Environmental Education developed in PIBID/BIO in UEG UnU Iporá approached or distanced policies and frameworks of Environmental Education (critical). The research is characterized as a case in a qualitative approach that seeks to confront the practices developed in the initial training with new benchmarks arising from continued training in the discipline of the Master's Program in Mathematics Education in Science and Environmental Education. The relationship between the practices and acquired new references led us to conclude that the first did not approach a critical Environmental Education so well, focused on changing attitudes and behavior. Pibid/Bio group concerns were, in its foreground, the do’s, not the reflection and criticality. Finally, it was clarified that teacher’s training is a process of/ in transformation, in which new theoretical frameworks and experiential knowledge are incorporated all the time.



Educação ambiental, Formação de professores, PIBID, Environmental education, Teacher training


OLIVEIRA NETO, José Firmino; MOURA, Susana Ferreira de; SHUVARTZ, Marilda; OLIVEIRA, Leandto Gonçalves. Refletindo a prática da Educação Ambiental no PIBID-Biologia da UEG, Iporá, Goiás. Enciclopédia Biosfera, Goiânia, v. 11, n. 20, p. 726-734, jan. 2015.