Contribuição da adubação verde e do sistema de manejo à estrutura de um solo sob cultivo de feijoeiro comum e de milho


The present work had the objective of evaluating the contribution of the green manuring and of the handling system to the structure of a soil under cultivation of common bean plant and of corn. The study was driven in an experiment, in organic production system, in Finance of Ecological Agriculture of Embrapa Arroz and Bean, located in Santo Antônio from Goiás, GO. The analysis of stability of attachés was made at the Laboratory of Soils of Rice and Bean. Collection of blocks was accomplished no deformed of soil, in the layer of 0-10 cm, that taken to the laboratory, where she proceeded the analysis, and calculated the percentage of attachés kept in each sieve. It was verified in the work that the green manuring is an excellent alternative in the reduction of the compacting and erosion. Among the used species the sorghum presented a superiority tendency in relation to the other ones.



Adubos verdes, Sustentabilidade, Agregação do solo, Green fertilizers, Sustainability, Aggregation of the soil


CARVALHO, Glaucilene Duarte; NASCIMENTO, Jacqueline Barbosa; CUNHA, Euraimi de Queiroz; FERREIRA, Enderson Petrônio de Brito; DIDONET, Agostinho Dirceu; LEANDRO, Wilson Mozena. Contribuição da adubação verde e do sistema de manejo à estrutura de um solo sob cultivo de feijoeiro comum e de milho. Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, Pelotas, v. 4, n. 2, p. 947-951, 2009.