Avaliação das vazões alocáveis na bacia hidrográfica do Rio dos Bois e sub-bacia do Rio do Peixe, estado de Goiás

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This study evaluates the flows that can be allocated to users in the Bois River Basin and its sub-basin, Peixe River Basin, in Goiás, in order to provide information for water resources management instruments established by Federal Law 9.433/97, emphasizing charging for the use of water resources. The Bois River Basin covers 34,552.04 km2 , corresponding to 10% of the total area of Goiás. A large amount of river flow data is available, supplied by twenty stations, with historical series and distribution that allowed the regionalization of the flows at the exit from the basin. The RH 3.0 software was developed by Minas Gerais Rural Foundation - RURALMINAS and Federal University of Viçosa, with the support of the Department of Water Resources of the Ministry of the Environment. It was used to estimate the guaranteed flow 95% of the time (Q95) to the outflow from Bois River Basin, obtaining the value of 118.100 l/s. The Goias State Council for Water Resources (CERHGO), in resolution 09/2005, established Q95 as reference flow for water use rights under the state domain. The maximum flow that can be allocated corresponds to 70% of Q95, or, for the Bois River Basin, 82.670 l/s. To check the feasibility of using this reference flow and the portion allocated, the study performed a survey of the criteria used in eleven Brazilian states. The Peixe River Basin has a drainage area of 287.49 km2. In this basin, the complete lack of hydrological data and the impossibility of data transfer because of the small drainage area prevent the calculation of Q95 and its use as reference flow. Such situations are common in most small river basins in Goiás. In such cases, according to CERH-GO resolution 09/2005, the smallest flow ever measured, preferably during a drought period using a precision method, is used as reference. To obtain the reference flow in the Peixe River Basin, flow measurements were performed using a current meter, at four points in the basin, along the main course, on four occasions, from June, 2003 to April, 2004. The reference flow at the end of Peixe River Basin was obtained from these measures, with the value of 627 l/s, which corresponds to the smallest flow measured at that place. The part of the flow that can be allocated from the reference flow was obtained based on the criteria adopted by the water management authority, with a value of 94 l/s. Key-words: Flows allocated; river basin.



Vazões alocáveis, Outorga, Bacia hidrográfica, Flows allocated, River basin


SANTOS, Harlen Inácio dos; OLIVEIRA, Leandro Gonçalves; FIOREZE, Ana Paula. Avaliação das vazões alocáveis na bacia hidrográfica do Rio dos Bois e sub-bacia do Rio do Peixe, estado de Goiás. Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos, Porto Alegre, v. 11, n. 2, p. 47-58, abr./jun. 2006.