Perfil de textura de amêndoas de noz macadâmia (macadamia integrifolia) secas com aplicação de energia de microondas e ar quente

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The research objective was to evaluate the texture profile of macadamia nut kernels (Macadamia integrifolia) that were dried with the application of microwave energy and hot air, comparing them with conventionally dried almonds along a six- month storage period. The drying tests were carried out in a domestic microwave oven with an adapted external hot air provision system. The texture analyses were accomplished with a texture-meter TAXT2 that had a needle probe. Given the data collected during the storage period, the packed dried almonds featured hardness (maximum force - N) between 8,62 and 13,49, and energy consumed (Ns) between 20,17 and 32,69. It could be concluded that the dried almonds obtained by means of the microwave assisted hot air drying process featured excellent textures, which were very similar to those from the conventionally dried almonds throughout the storage period.



Noz macadâmia, Microondas, Textura, Macadamia nuts, Microwave, Texture


SILVA, Flávio Alves da; MARSAIOLI JUNIOR, Antonio. Perfil de textura de amêndoas de noz macadâmia (macadamia integrifolia) secas com aplicação de energia de microondas e ar quente. Revista Ciências Exatas e Naturais, v. 8, n. 2, p. 189-199, jul./dez. 2008.