Métodos cromatográficos qualitativos e quantitativos para análise dos produtos da terc-butilação da glicerina


This study examined the glycerol tert-butylation reaction products by chromatography. Qualitative analysis by TLC and GC-MS were effective, especially because di-tert-butylglycerols (DTBG) and tri-tert-butylglycerol (TTBG) are not available commercially. In all mass spectra, the GTBE showed ions at m/z 57 and 117, relative to ions of groups tert-butyl [C4H9]+ and tert-butoxy-methyl [M-CH3OC(CH3)3]+, respectively. The GC-FID method was efficient in the separation of the compounds under study, and had good linearity (R20.997), throughout the interval of 0.60 to 15.0mg.mL-1, 0.24 to 6.0mg.mL-1 and 0.03 to 1.0mg.mL-1 diisobutylene, glycerin and MTBE, respectively.



Glycerol, GTBE, Chromatography, Glicerina, Cromatografia


CAVALCANTE, K. S. B.; SOUZA, A. G. de; FILHO, NELSON R. A.; SOARES, A. T.; MENDONÇA, S. de J. R.; MACIEL, A. P. ; SILVA, F. C. Métodos cromatográficos qualitativos e quantitativos para análise dos produtos da terc-butilação da glicerina Revista Virtual de Química, Niterói, v. 6, n. 2, p. 244-257, 2014.