As cidades médias na nova configuração territorial brasileira

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Tadeu Alencar Arrais


This work analyzes the urban poles and their micro-re-gion of influence in the State of Goiás. The geographical interpretation of this work has as its main objective to observe the economic and industrial decentralization process which enabled population to concentrate in few and far-between nuclei spread throughout Goiás’ territo-ry. These nuclei turn into regional economic poles, com-ing to influence one region, functioning as medium-sized cities in areas of low population density, not affecting, consequently, the quantitave indicators for them to be considered medium-sized cities by city officials and de-partments. Because of this, a considerable portion of Brazilian cities are not considered of medium size de-spite the fact that they exert this role. The analysis of medium cities was placed in order of importance due to Brazil’s recent dynamics of territorial development which led to the economic decentralization. This fact reinforced the role of intermediate cities in the urban structure of the country, remitting us to the following line of questioning: what, in truth, can we consider a medium city? The present work seeks to answer this question.



Cidades médias, Configuração territorial, Goiás, Medium cities, Territorial configuration


DEUS, João Batista de. As cidades médias na nova configuração territorial brasileira. Boletim Goiano de Geografia, Goiânia, v. 24, n. 1/2, p. 81-91, jan./dez. 2004. Disponível em: <>.