Avaliação das imagens cbers/ccd para o mapeamento de areais no sudoeste de Goiás


The main goal of this work was to assess the perfor-mance of different Image enhancement techniques applied to two CBERS II CCD images, acquired during the dry and rainy periods, regarding the discrimination of Quartzipsamment bare soils (sandy spots), in the Ri-beirão Sujo watershed, situated in the municipality of Serranópolis/GO. In addition, a literature review, con-cerning the spectral behavior of sandy soils and degrad-ed areas, was carried out. The three image processing approaches evaluated were: spectral linear mixture mod-elling, vegetation index (NDVI), and principal component analysis. It was verified that the images of the rainy pe-riod favored a better discrimination of the sandy soils in relation to the other land cover types and that supervised classification, based on the CBERS CCD bands 2, 3, and 4 was the best image enhancement approach.



Processamento de imagens, CBERS, Areais, Picture processing, Sandy spots


SOUSA, Marluce Silva; LOPES, Luciana Maria; FERREIRA JÚNIOR, Laerte Guimarães; SCOPEL, Iraci; BORGES, Raphael de Oliveira. Avaliação das imagens cbers/ccd para o mapeamento de areais no sudoeste de Goiás. Boletim Goiano de Geografia, Goiânia, v. 27, n. 2, p. 115-136, jan./jun. 2007. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/bgg/article/view/2660/2756>.