Crescimento da acácia-negra em resposta a aplicação de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio


Due to the lack of information about Black-wattle fertilization, this study evaluated black-wattle plants growth in response to different fertilization levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium six years after implantation. The statistical design used was a randomized blocks with trifatorial distribution. Total height (m), diameter at breast height (DBH) (cm) and stem volume with bark (m3 ha -1 ) were evaluated. Black-wattle showed a positive and significant growth response to N and P (interaction) fertilizations and absence for K. m To obtain the maximum development of black-wattle, for the soil and climate condition studied, it is required the use of the maximum dose of nitrogen (40.0 kg ha -1 N) and 78.9 kg ha -1 phosphorus, not requiring the addition of potassium.



Acacia mearnsii, Adubação, Nutrição florestal, Acacia mearnsii, Forestry nutrition, Fertilization


SCHUMACHER, Mauro Valdir; VIERA, Márcio; LONDERO, Eduardo Kneipp; CALIL, Francine Neves; LOPES, Vicente Guilherme; WITSCHORECK, Rudi. Crescimento da acácia-negra em resposta a aplicação de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio. CERNE, Lavras, v. 19, n. 1, p. 51-58, jan./mar. 2013.