Infecção pelo Toxoplasma gondii e pelo vírus da imunodeficiência felina em gatos domésticos (Felis catus)


The domestic cat (Felis catus) is a companion animal, with growing appreciation as a pet, which has provided the increase of its population in Brazilian households. It has high importance in Public Health, participating in the cycle of some zoonoses, among which toxoplasmosis. It is one of the definitive hosts of Toxoplasma gondii parasite responsible for this disease. The domestic cat can also be affected by feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and due to immunosuppression caused by this pathogen can go on to develop opportunistic infections. Simultaneous infection of T. gondii and FIV may predispose to acute development of toxoplasmosis in felines. In this review we were addressed etiological, epidemiological, clinical, diagnostic and prophylactic of these two diseases. More focus was given to results found in Brazil and in the world on the frequency of anti-T. gondii, the detection of T. gondii oocysts in the feces of these animals, the serological data to feline immunodeficiency virus infection in domestic cats, the co-infection of both pathogens, in addition to the possible factors associated with infection. This approach sought to demonstrate the impact of the two infections in Veterinary Medicine and Public Health.



AIDS felina, Frequência, Oocisto, Toxoplasmose, Feline AIDS, Frequency, Oocyst, Toxoplasmosis


COSTA, Rebeka Cristine de Bastos; JAYME, Valéria de Sá ; LINHARES, Guido Fontgalland Coelho; SILVEIRA NETO, Osvaldo José; QUEIROZ, Thawanne Delefrate. Infecção pelo Toxoplasma gondii e pelo vírus da imunodeficiência felina em gatos domésticos (Felis catus). Enciclopédia Biosfera, Goiânia, v. 11, n. 22, p. 1994-2014, 2015.