Quimiodectoma como causa de morte súbita em cão – relato de caso


Primary cardiac tumors are considered rare in all domestic animals, however heart-base tumors or chemodectomas or paragangliomas have been described primarily in dogs. This report refers to a boxer male dog, 14 years old, with chronic cough. The clinic, radiographic and electrocardiographic exams defined the diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy and the animal was treated accordingly. The animal progressively improved but after seven months the dog suddenly died and was submitted to necropsy. The main gross alteration observed was a heart-base mass. Samples of this neoplasia were fixed and sent to histopathology. After microscopic evaluation the diagnosis of aortic body tumor was conferred. The low incidence of primary chemoreceptors tumors motivates this report and adds clinical, epidemiological and anatomopathological data to veterinary literature.



Quimiodectoma, Neoplasia do arco aórtico, Cão, Chemodectoma, Aortic body tumor, Dogs


MOURA, Veridiana Maria Brianezi Dignani de; GOIOZO, Paulo Felipe Izique; THOMÉ, Helder Esteves; CALDEIRA, Cristiane Padrin; BANDARRA, Enio Pedone. Quimiodectoma como causa de morte súbita em cão – relato de caso. Veterinária Notícias, Uberlândia, v. 12, n. 1, p. 95-99, jan./jun. 2006.