Disposição de resíduo de ETA em sistema de tratamento aeróbio de esgoto seguido de lagoa de sedimentação


This work was carried out in an aerobic pilot plant consisted of modules, each one with an aerated lagoon in series with a sedimentation lagoon, both with hydraulic characteristics similar to the city wastewater treatment plant. Module 1 received water treatment residue besides sewage while module 1 received only sewage. Through the use of statistics methods with significance level of 10 %, it was observed that the module 1, which received the water treatment residue produced a better effluent quality in terms of COD, TSS, turbidity, apparent color, nitrite, TNK and total phosphorus. Other parameters investigated in the effluent of module 1 also resulted better, but with a higher level of significance, except for chlorite, nitrate and conductivity, which practically remained unchanged.



Resíduos de ETA, Lodo, Resíduo, Estação de tratamento de água, Water treatment residue, Sludge, Residue, Water treatment plant


SCALIZE, Paulo Sergio; BERNARDO, Luiz Di; SOARES, Lorena Acelina; BAUMANN, Luis Rodrigo Fernandes. Disposição de resíduo de ETA em sistema de tratamento aeróbio de esgoto seguido de lagoa sedimentada. Revista DAE, São Paulo, v. 62, n. 197, p. 72-86, set./dez. 2014.