O teste de mutação apoiado pelo algoritmo genético coevolucionário com classificação genética controlada


This paper is situated in the field of genetic algorithms that aim coevolutionary selection of good subsets of test cases and mutants in the context of Mutation Testing. It was selected and evaluated two approaches from this field of study. Such evaluation supported the development of a new Coevolutionary Genetic Algorithm with Controled Genetic Classification. To analyse the approach, 164 experiments were performed comparing the results of proposed algorithm with three other methods applied to four real benchmarks. The results shows a significant improvement of AGC 􀀀GCC compared to other approaches, due to the increase in mutation score without significative increase in runtime.




OLIVEIRA, André Assis Lôbo de; CAMILO JÚNIOR, Celso G.; VINCENZI, Auri Marcelo Rizzo. O teste de mutação apoiado pelo algoritmo genético coevolucionário com classificação genética controlada. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada, Porto Alegre, v. 21, n. 2, p. 64-89, 2014.