Ideal ético de humanidade: Husserl e suas lições sobre Fichte

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Araceli Velloso


This paper aims to provide a brief presentation of Husserl’s lectures dedicated to the philosophy of Fichte, specifically the discussion of the relationship between ethics and religion that the fichtian texts develop in its intermediate phase. The course taught by Husserl, divided into three lessons and presented in the chair of Freiburg between the years 1917 and 1918, seems to clearly show the intimate connection between Husserl proposals on an absolute foundation of ethics and the theory advocated by Fichte about the different stages or degrees of moral development of mankind. More than that, both idealistic philosophical positions conceive a close relation between the conception of an ethical ideal and the defense of a view about human nature that understands it as a pure acting of consciousness. In this regard, the paper aims to present some important aspects of Husserl’s reading of Fichte in these cycle of lectures.



Husserl, Fichte, Ética, Religião, Ethics, Ethics


SANTORO, Thiago. Ideal ético de humanidade: Husserl e suas lições sobre Fichte. Philósophos, Goiânia, v. 21, n. 1, p. 171-188, jan./jun. 2016. Disponível em: <>.