Relações políticas e re-significações de uma devoção popular: ladários goianos em trilhas pirenopolinas

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Maria da Conceição Silva


ln the modem ibero-american societies, the processions -organized by missionaries in the early years of colonization -acquire new meaning since in them reside a complex system of representations embodying social groups which dialogue and interact with each other before, during and after the walk. At the sarne time, it can be noted during the procession, devotional acts stemming from hybrid religious sources where symbolic trade favouring multiple spatial and ritualistic interventions is promoted. Each new procession reverts to the origin of man and people, thus, to understand a mosaic of interpersonal relations and different groups, secular traditions, religiousness and symbols subsisting in the scenario of the processions facilitate interpretations of the Brazilian cultural identity in general, of Goiás in particular and of Pirenópolis, specifically.



Festa popular, Procissão, Identidade, Pirenópolis, Catolicismo popular, Popular party, Procession, Identity, Popular catholicism


MAIA, Carlos Eduardo S.; LÔBO, Tereza Caroline; CURADO, João Guilherme. Relações políticas e re-significações de uma devoção popular: ladários goianos em trilhas pirenopolinas. História Revista, Goiânia, v. 13, n. 1, p. 95-120, jan./jun. 2008. Disponível em: <>.