A teoria/concepção sistêmica: uma perspectiva crítica na pedagogia de Educação Física?

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Anagleyce Teodoro Rodrigues


The initial aim of this paper was to report the book Educação Física e sociedade, mainly the systemic conception of physical education. As this article enlarged its limits, it enclosed other productions in the field of “sociology of physical education” with the epistemological, political and pedagogical elements of this theory. We realized that: a) it points out methodological elements which contribute to the critical discourse of physical education; b) it presents characteristics of a critical discourse as well as a conservative attitude; c) it presents a sociological perspective based on a systemic theory with restrictive elements to the development of a “sociology of physical education”.



Concepção sistêmica, Sociologia, Educação Física, Systemic conception, Sociology, Physical Education


FERREIRA, Marcelo Guina. A teoria/concepção sistêmica: uma perspectiva crítica na pedagogia de Educação Física? Pensar a Prática, Goiânia, v. 3, n. 1, p. 36-52, jul./jun. 1999/00. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/fef/article/view/27/26>.