Qualidade física de um Plintossolo Argilúvico sob diferentes sistemas de gestão


Increases in agricultural production are due to the use of advanced technologies and expansion of new frontiers and occur by the substitution of pasture areas and natural vegetation. Some of these areas are located in the floodplains and environmental point of view, are of utmost importance because lend themselves to recharge and maintenance of rivers and streams of water catchments. In this study was evaluated the penetration resistance of Plinthosol Argilúvico under tillage and native savanna. In each area, 10 samples are collected deformed layers 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm to determine soil moisture. The resistance to penetration (RP) was performed with impact penetrometer with random sampling areas (ten samples in each area): 1) Native - on top of the mounds (M) and between the mounds (IN); 2) cultured - tillage implanted 10 years ago (PD10) years and 15 years (PD15), at two times : before planting (PD10A and PD15A) and after planting in the line (PD10L and PD15L), and leading (PD10E and PD15E ) planting in points for each treatment. Results showed that the RP soil is influenced by sampled position. The evaluation of the RP was related to the texture, bulk density (BD), and moisture and soil organic matter. The critical values of Ds and RP are valid when compared to nearby reference areas, textural class and similar relief. The RP associated with Ds, moisture and texture, is a sensitive indicator of changes in soil physical quality caused by use. Under the conditions of this study, the no-tillage system was not efficient to maintain soil physical quality.



Compactação do solo, Sementeira direta, Indicador de qualidade do solo, Murundus, Solos frágeis, Soil compaction, Soil physical quality, Murundus, Fragile soils, Tillage


SANTOS, Felipe C. V.; CUSTODIO FILHO, Ronaldo O.; FREITAS, Idelfonso C.; CORRECHEL, Vladia; CARNEIRO, Marco Aurélio C. Qualidade física de um plintossolo argilúvico sob diferentes sistemas de gestão. Revista de Ciências Agrárias, Lisboa, v. 37, n. 2, p. 152-161, 2014.